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A Beautiful Mind je originalni soundtrack album filma A Beautiful Mind iz 2001. godine u kojem glume Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly (koja je osvojila Oskara za najbolju sporednu glumicu za ulogu "Alicia Nash"), Christopher Plummer i Paul Bettany. Originalnu partituru i pjesme komponovao je i vodio James Horner.

Album je dobio nominacije za nagradu Zlatni globus za najbolju originalnu muziku i Oscara za najbolju originalnu muziku.

Popis pjesama:

1. A Kaleidoscope of Mathematics
2. Playing a Game of 'Go!'
3. Looking for the Next Great Idea
4. Creating 'Governing Dynamics'
5. Cracking the Russian Codes
6. Nash Descends into Parcher's World
7. First Drop-Off, First Kiss
8. The Car Chase
9. Alicia Discovers Nash's Dark World
10. Real or Imagined?
11. Of One Heart, of One Mind
12. Saying Goodbye to Those You So Love
13. Teaching Mathematics Again
14. The Prize of One's Life... The Prize of One's Mind
15. All Love Can Be" (Charlotte Church)
16. Closing Credits

A Beautiful Mind

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

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